Miguel by Jade Hernandez

Los Diablos MC
Dark Romance
Independantly Published
December 1, 2023
Ebook and Paperback

Miguel by Jade Hernandez
Miguel is the Motorcycle Club Romance Book that I have been needing my whole reader life!
Don’t get it twisted, despite the namesake title, Miguel and the MC Los Diablos group of men this series will be about… the female main characters in these stories will always take the spotlight. Particularly Lorena in Miguel (the book, wink wink) is a powerhouse of a character that does nothing short but beg your attention and accepts your loyalty to be your new bestie.

The premise
As a reader I was instantly transplanted into the Los Diablos Motorcycle Club universe, with Miguel being his rugged self. On a regular day (for him) a young boy is dropped off at the front gate of Los Diablos HQ. With a quick note letting Miguel know he is the father of said boy, Miguel is left with grappling with a bunch of confusion and deep feelings.
As Miguel begins to make room for this new identity that he wears with honor (and still a lot of confusion), he enrolls his son in school, takes him to the doctor, all those very grown up steps. At school is where fate aligns for Miguel in an very unexpected way.
Miguel’s son, Zekes’ teacher, Lorena. Let us all have a moment for this vivacious, preppy, determined, and headstrong baddie. She takes notice to Zeke and from experience and intuition she suspects that Zeke could be Deaf or Hard of Hearing, and suggest to Miguel to have Zeke tested for it. All to help and intervene any roadblocks to Zeke’s education and development.
Where things get STEAMY and DARK
Miguel and Lorena have an INSTANT and INTENSE attraction. In which its all served up with a forbidden flair. One, Miguel is an MC BAD BOY and Lorena is a preppy, ultra fierce good girl. Second, Lorena is Zeke’s teacher and there are school policies about that. Third there’s a moment where Lorena get pushed up against a car in a parking lot at the MC HQ that will be forever ingrained in my mind. Miguel cannot take his eyes off Lorena, ever. Lorena cannot stop being drawn to Miguel, at all.
The DARK stuff: Rivaling MC and other organized crime groups always play a threat to Los Diablos and the people attached to them. Miguel and his group are bad boys through and through. Morally grey men and their decisions paint this book a delicious hue to fully enjoy.

Read this book!
Jade Hernadez wrote the hell out of Miguel. Her writing is electric and palpable. I smelled the smoke in the air and I felt the delicious sting on my skin (in those parts wink wink.) Miguel has an exquisite and thorough story to be captivated by, and well fleshed out characters that beg for their own story.
Pick you your copy of Miguel by Jade Hernandez today, its officially out!
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Carla is a born-again bookworm originally from Puerto Rico. Becoming a mom is what drove her back into the love of reading. Starting with the love of Romance books but now she enjoys any epic tales that are well written. She’s a mom of three, a wife, and resides in Central Florida. Hurricane news doesn’t scare her but finding out a second book in a series doesn’t come out for another year will send her into a real panic. Sending her chocolate and another great book works best to support her through such times.