A Gripping, Emotional Enemies-to-Lovers Romance

The Lochlann Feuds
Enemies to Lovers Romance, Alpha Male Romance, Romantic Fantasy
Whiskey and Willow Publishing
January 17, 2025
Ebook, Paperback
666 (paperback), 802 (ebook)

Evander thought he could let her go.
But when Clan Elk has the princess in their grasp once more, he's about to discover just how far he will go for the sake of his clan. His kingdom.
His Lemmikki.
*Onyx Cage: Volume II picks up with Evander's side of the story for the final two books in The Lochlann Feuds.

Theirs is the kind of love that unites kingdoms
Onyx Cage: Volume II is a rare book indeed. It is a book that clutches a reader with its emotional intensity and beautifully wrought tension.
Whether the pull is between the enemies-to-lovers (Rowan and Evander) or the neighboring kingdoms of Lochlann and Socair, it felt like every breath of this book is held and released with care. Onyx Cage: Volume II is a beautifully gripping journey.
I’ve read the entire Lochlann Feuds series by Robin D. Mahle and Elle Madison. By the time I started Onyx Cage: Volume II, which is the final volume in the Lochlann Feuds companion novel, I already was invested in Lochlann and Socair. These characters felt familiar and are loved. In the first part of this volume, Evander meets Rowan’s family in Lochlann. As I watched Evander’s reactions to the loud and affectionate royal family, I watched an emotionally complex, distant, alpha male begin to surrender to a love he’s never known. He still wants to own and possess, as he continually refers to Rowan as my Lemmikki, but he also begins to understand that loving someone means giving yourself as well.
“I do own you, Lemmikki.” It wasn’t a feeling or an entitlement, it was a certainty, built in the very laws of the universe itself by whatever powers tied her inexorably to me….”But you own me, too.” Did she hear the conviction that burned from every word that was branded into the air between us, cauterizing the wounds we had carved into each other’s souls?
Evander and Rowan’s love story, especially with the addition of this volume, has become one of my favorites. A fair warning to readers: Chapter 47 of this book, which ends with Evander’s surrendering to Rowan in an emotional confession of his devotion, pulled my heart right out of my chest. It was so poignant with vulnerability that I could feel Evander tenderly kissing the scars of hurt between them. The promises he made to her had me crying well after the chapter ended.
Robin D. Mahle and Elle Madison, you shattered me with this book. And then built me back up again.
Onyx Cage: Volume II is, without a shadow of a doubt, a 5-star read. The entire series is phenomenal. The Lochlann Feuds is not to be missed!
Celeste is a woman who is unwavering about certain things in life; three of those being books, cats, and cold brew coffee. If she can enjoy all three at the same time, it’s going to be a good day. Her favorite genres are fantasy or sci-fi romance, historical romance, and historical fiction but every few books she likes to mix it up with contemporary fiction, a good psychological thriller, or an inspiring memoir. She has a busy schedule working full-time for an online university but she makes sure to unwind each day with stories, either by reading to her elementary school-aged daughter or tucking herself in bed with her Kindle or the latest book she picked up at a local book store.