Loud: Accepting Nothing Less Than the Life You Deserve by Drew Afualo
Loud: Accept Nothing Less Than the Life You Deserve Book Cover Loud: Accept Nothing Less Than the Life You Deserve
Drew Afualo
July 30, 2024
Hardcover, E-Book, Audio

The empowering, inspiring, patriarchy-smashing first book by the TikTok and Spotify star Drew Afualo.

Drew Afualo is best known as the internet’s “Crusader for Women” and is at the head of a new generation of entertainment’s rising stars. Loud is part manual, part manifesto, and part memoir. It makes it clear that behind her fearsome laugh is a mission and a life philosophy, a strategy for self-confidence from the inside out, and a pathway to once and for all remove men from the center of how women and femmes think about themselves.

Afualo has amassed more than nine million followers across her social platforms. When she first started creating content in 2020, she realized that men on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and other apps were creating sexist content aimed at disparaging women, and also containing rampant fatphobia, racism, and other forms of bigotry, with very real-life consequences. It didn’t take long for her to step into the role of unofficial watchdog for misogyny, and her signature laugh is now recognized as a feminist call to arms, a summoning cry to rid the internet (and our hearts, minds, and lives) of “terrible men” and create a space to fight outdated patriarchal ideals.

Loud: Accepting Nothing Less Than the Life You Deserve by Drew Afualo

Honest, empowering, relatable, Loud by Drew Afualo might have made a memoir reader out of me.

Drew Afualo

We all might know her for her infectious cackle as we scroll through TikTok, but I personally was not prepared for the depth of feelings I would feel as I got to know Drew in her memoir, Loud.

Known for her fierce take-downs of misogynistic men making fun of women on the app, Drew has made a brand of herself. I always felt like I knew so much about her as I watched each take-down video. She charges in with so much passion, humor, and power. Safe to say I admire Drew.

Am I a memoir girly now?

I have tried various times through out my reader life to get-into memoir books. Minus a couple of good reads I had to examine in college, I have truly stayed away from them. I always had felt so far attached and searching for commonalities with the author of them. But I do have to say Loud has been the exception, and hopefully the gateway into memoir loving.

Drew gives such honest and humble breakdowns of pivotal moments in her life thus far that have lead her to where she is now. It was told in such a way that I was able to fully engage and absorb the lessons she learned, and feel the empowerment she spoke.

Specific life moments I felt deeply:

How she feels like she failed her sister, when her sister came out to her

Getting let-go from what she thought would be her dream job

Honest look-back at previous years and skewed, internal views of misogyny

Views on body neutrality

Her love for her Samoan culture

I truly feel that Loud: Accepting Nothing Less Than the Life You Deserve is a perfectly relatable memoir. Drew Afualo leaves such golden and empowering words of affirmation for so many readers. I will be grabbing a physical copy as soon as the book comes out and annotating immediately. I want to share this book with my teens to read, as she delivers her stories in such a relatable form. I am so happy I got to read this!

To pre-order your copy of Loud by Drew Afualo check here!

This book was provided in exchance for an honest review graphic