Great Pick-me-up!!
World's Apart Book Cover World's Apart
Elizabeth Hunter
New Adult, Adult, Contemporary Romance, Vacation Romance, Long-Distance Romance, International Romance
Recurve Press, LLC
February 6, 2024
Kindle, Paperback

Sunny Randolph is on a trip to Kenya when a twist of fate leads her to an unexpected romance with Martin Karanja, owner of her safari lodge. Love knows no boundaries in this contemporary romance novella that proves true connections can happen, even when worlds apart.

Sunny set off to find adventure visiting a friend in Kenya, but while she thought she'd packed for everything, there was one unexpected twist she never saw coming.

Martin Karanja had his hands full with the staff and guests of Karanja Safari, so fighting an unexpected attraction to a guest from America was last on his to-do list.

This book was provided in exchance for an honest review graphic

“Always pack sunscreen and never pack expectations.”

Elizabeth Hunter has created a little something to brighten your day with her novella, Worlds Apart. This wonderfully crafted story about finding someone half the world away and realizing that love is not constrained by ethnic or geographical bounderies could be set in any country, but Elizabeth enriches us by taking us to the exotic Maasai Mara, a national game reserve in Kenya. In true EH form, her descriptive writing will transport you to this faraway land and make you feel as if you are traveling with Sunny on her safari vacation.

“She’d boarded a plane to Kenya, thinking she was going on a single adventure when the universe had so much more for her in store. Adventure? Love was the greatest adventure. And she couldn’t wait to explore.”

As the owner of the safari service, Martin had an unwritten rule of never engaging in anything other than a professional relationship with his guests. As an introvert, Sunny was stepping outside of her comfort zone to solo travel to Kenya and visit her best friend from college who worked for Martin’s safari. Neither Sunny nor Martin planned to fall for each other, given the circumstances, but sometimes love happens when you least expect it. It didn’t take long for them to realize that it was so much more than a physical attraction. But the question was how to navigate a relationship when they were eight time zones apart, when most of the people close to them thought they were crazy for trying?

Worlds Apart is told from both Sunny and Martin’s perspectives and they are each such geniune and wonderful characters. I loved the dual points of view as it made their budding relationship that much more authentic. While this is not an angsty story, which I greatly appreciated, it is not without its difficulties. Long distance relationships come with their own issues and when you add other differences these struggles seem to amplify. But while EH includes this facet of an international relationship, her underlying theme, which she delivers beautifully, is that regardless of where or how you find love, it is worth the effort and so rewarding to make the relationship work. I was really touched by how Sunny and Martin worked this out. There is something refreshing and uplifting about certain things in life; a walk in the park on fresh spring day, a call from a friend you haven’t heard from in a while, or a great cup of coffee as you snuggle up in some comfy pajamas. Worlds Apart will leave you with a warm, fuzzy feeling and a smile on your face, something we can never get enough of in the crazy world we live in. Get your pick-me-up today with this heartwarming novella!