• The Wives by Tarryn Fisher
The Wives Book Cover The Wives
Tarryn Fisher
Greydon House
December 30, 2019
Paperback, Hardcover, Kindle

Thursday’s husband, Seth, has two other wives. She’s never met them, and she doesn’t know anything about them. She agreed to this unusual arrangement because she’s so crazy about him.

But one day, she finds something. Something that tells a very different—and horrifying—story about the man she married.

What follows is one of the most twisted, shocking thrillers you’ll ever read.

You’ll have to grab a copy to find out why.

The Wives by Tarryn Fisher

I have the reoccurring song lyrics of Cringe by Matt Maeson, “Lover come hold me, Heads on the fritz…” My head sure is on the fritz and I need to be held after finishing The Wives by Tarry Fisher. Wow what a ride this was! As a proud, long standing PLN (Passionate Little Nutcase for those of you who don’t know) am feeling all sorts of feelings right now. Us PLN’s are a strong vivacious bunch, faithfully following our momma PLN Tarryn Fisher wherever her stories take us. The Wives by Tarryn Fisher took it there ya’ll.

As a front runner in the Indie publishing gang, Fisher has been candid on social media with her first ever made for trade book, The Wives. It has been a monumental moment for the character-driven writer. Us faithful fans have cried, yelped, and danced in joy and pride for her. Fisher more than once confessed to feeling almost “scared” as to how we would take this book, how we would accept “Trade Tarryn.” I wish I could personally tell her “my dear, there is nothing to worry about. This talent of your shines its brightest with this body of work.”

Tarryn Fisher has done it, she did it ya’ll. This book is THE thriller to read.

The story is told from the point of view of our main protagonist Thursday who is the second out of three wives. A story of a polygamist husband that keeps his three wives separate, not allowed to speak to each other or know each other at any degree.

But now I see the truth: women are stuck in a cycle of insecurity perpetuated by the way men treat them, and we are constantly fighting to prove to ourselves and everyone else that we are okay. Sure, women occasionally lose their minds over men, but does that mean we’re all unstable, or that men made us unstable with heir careless actions?”

From the very beginning we see Thursday slowly turning into someone new. She begins to question her place as the second and legal wife. She allows her thoughts to wonder about each wife, mostly about the most recent wife, Hannah. Hannah the wife that is currently pregnant with Seth’s (the husband duh!) baby. The tang in Thursday’s envy is the kick start into her undoing. She is no longer complacent in this situation. She wants to know these wives, wife one and three (Hannah), and she wants to be loved the most. Thursday wants Seth’s full and undivided devotion, but Hannah and her promise of a happily ever after-baby growing stands in the way, and Thursday with the failed pregnancy and detached uterus is left feeling inferior.

Thursday then goes on an online hunt to find Hannah, to collect all information, as much as she can. She happens to luckily stumble upon some medical paperwork in Seth’s clothing that gives her an address. With this palpable curiosity I, the reader find myself supporting her as she makes her way to the address found. This sets forward chance encounters with Hannah herself and a blooming acquaintanceship between the women. But soon Thursday begins to notice bruises on Hannah and Hannah has very little legitimate explanations for said bruises.

As their friendship develops, we see Thursday diving deeper into this mysterious situation and deeper into her husband’s other side she now feels she hardly doesn’t know at all. Thursday also dives deeper into herself to find the courage to either walk away or win Seth for herself, for good.

With Tarryn’s feminist stance on relationships, love, and women being pushed to their limits we are taken through a gut-wrenching story that keeps a reader eagerly flipping pages for more truth.

As I read the final sentence in The Wives, I found myself short of breath, a mind buzzing with stimulation, and a heart heavy of truths. Tarryn Fisher has done what she has always set out to do, this thing in my chest, my heart has been incited.

I gave The Wives by Tarryn Fisher 5 Stars, there aren’t enough stars to cover my love for this story. I highly recommend The Wives to readers that like psychological thrillers, I recommend this to the readers that live for the roller coaster ride that a good thriller gives you.

And brava Ms. Fisher you DID THAT.

Run, dont walk to your nearest bookstore to pick  up your copy!


Here is a link to order The Wives by Tarryn Fisher get it now, you wont regret it.