Aequus (Amazon)Those #DamnGargoyles are Back!

(And we couldn’t be happier!!)


Randi Cooley Wilson is an OGFotH (Original Gangster Friend of the Hive) so it’s no surprise that we get excited every time she releases a book.  Since she releases at a slower pace than many of the authors we review, the anticipation for her books reaches almost fever pitch by the time they hit our kindles.

But man, is it ever worth it!

Ms. Wilson’s Revelation series is a favorite of several of our Bees, and the last book in its series, Restoration, made it into my Top Picks list last year.  We were thrilled to learn that the spin-off series (Royal Protector Academy) would include many of the characters we know and love, and their children. The first book in the series, Vernal, was just plain incredible.  There was heat, intrigue, humor and drama.  In the second installment of this trilogy, Aequus, we return to a world turned upside down and love bitterly lost – or is it?

The bad news?

WE WON’T KNOW TIL 2017.Aequss instagram

The good news?

The cover art was released today with a fabulous teaser on the back!

We have been attempting to bribe Ms. Wilson with honey sticks and royal jelly – no luck yet.  But we’ll keep you posted.  In the meantime, follow her on social media (links on her author page) and pre-order this beauty!